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Restore the cluster from a previously saved backup

The Operator supports the ability to perform a full restore on a PostgreSQL cluster as well as a point-in-time-recovery. There are two ways to restore a cluster:

  • restore to a new cluster using the dataSource.postgresCluster subsection,
  • restore in-place to an existing cluster (note that this is destructive).

Restore to a new PostgreSQL cluster

Restoring to a new PostgreSQL cluster allows you to take a backup and create a new PostgreSQL cluster that can run alongside an existing one. There are several scenarios where using this technique is helpful:

  • Creating a copy of a PostgreSQL cluster that can be used for other purposes. Another way of putting this is creating a clone.
  • Restore to a point-in-time and inspect the state of the data without affecting the current cluster.

To create a new PostgreSQL cluster from either an active one, or a former cluster whose pgBackRest repository still exists, edit the dataSource.postgresCluster subsection options in the Custom Resource manifest of the new cluster (the one you are going to create). The content of this subsection should copy the backups keys of the original cluster - ones needed to carry on the restore:

  • dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterName should contain the source cluster name,
  • dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterNamespace should contain the namespace of the source cluster (it is needed if the new cluster will be created in a different namespace, and you will need the Operator deployed in multi-namespace/cluster-wide mode to make such cross-namespace restore),
  • dataSource.postgresCluster.options allow you to set the needed pgBackRest command line options,
  • dataSource.postgresCluster.repoName should contain the name of the pgBackRest repository, while the actual storage configuration keys for this repository should be placed into dataSource.pgbackrest.repo subsection,
  • should contain the name of a Kubernetes Secret with credentials needed to access cloud storage, if any.

The following example bootstraps a new cluster from a backup, which was made on the cluster1 cluster deployed in percona-db-1 namespace. For simplicity, this backup uses repo1 repository from the Persistent Volume backup storage example, which needs no cloud credentials. The resulting deploy/cr.yaml manifest for the new cluster should contain the following lines:

    clusterName: cluster1
    repoName: repo1
    clusterNamespace: percona-db-1

Creating the new cluster in its namespace (for example, percona-db-2) with such a manifest will initiate the restoration process:

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml -n percona-db-2

Restore to an existing PostgreSQL cluster

To restore the previously saved backup, use a backup restore configuration file. The example of the backup configuration file is deploy/restore.yaml :

kind: PerconaPGRestore
  name: restore1
  pgCluster: cluster1
  repoName: repo1
  - --type=time
  - --target="2022-11-30 15:12:11+03"

The following keys are the most important ones:

  • pgCluster specifies the name of your cluster,
  • repoName specifies the name of one of the 4 pgBackRest repositories, already configured in the backups.pgbackrest.repos subsection,
  • options passes through any pgBackRest command line options .

To start the restoration process, run the following command (modify the -n postgres-operator parameter if your database cluster resides in a different namespace):

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/restore.yaml -n postgres-operator

Specifying which backup to restore

When there are multiple backups, the Operator will restore the latest full backup by default.

if you want to restore to some previous backup, not the last one, follow these steps:

  1. Find the label of the backup you want to restore. For this, you can list available backups with kubectl get pg-backup command, and then get detailed information about the backup of your interest with kubectl describe pg-backup <BACKUP NAME>. The output should look as follows:

    Name:         cluster1-backup-c55w-f858g
    Namespace:    default
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations: cluster1-backup-c55w
    API Version:
    Kind:         PerconaPGBackup
      Creation Timestamp:  2024-06-28T07:44:08Z
      Generate Name:       cluster1-backup-c55w-
      Generation:          1
      Resource Version:    1199
      UID:                 92a8193c-6cbd-4cdf-82e5-a4623bf7f2d9
      Pg Cluster:  cluster1
      Repo Name:   repo1
      Backup Name:  20240628-074416F
      Backup Type:  full

    The “Backup Name” status field will contain needed backup label.

  2. Now use a backup restore configuration file with additional --set=<backup_label> pgBackRest option. For example, the following yaml file will result in restoring to a backup labeled 20240628-074416F:

    kind: PerconaPGRestore
      name: restore1
      pgCluster: cluster1
      repoName: repo1
      - --type=immediate
      - --set=20240628-074416F
  3. Start the restoration process, as usual:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/restore.yaml -n postgres-operator

Restore the cluster with point-in-time recovery

Point-in-time recovery functionality allows users to revert the database back to a state before an unwanted change had occurred.


For this feature to work, the Operator initiates a full backup immediately after the cluster creation, to use it as a basis for point-in-time recovery when needed (this backup is not listed in the output of the kubectl get pg-backup command).

You can set up a point-in-time recovery using the normal restore command of pgBackRest with few additional spec.options fields in deploy/restore.yaml:

  • set --type option to time,
  • set --target to a specific time you would like to restore to. You can use the typical string formatted as <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD>, optionally followed by a timezone offset: "2021-04-16 15:13:32+00" (+00 in the above example means UTC),
  • optional --set argument followed with a pgBackRest backup ID allows you to choose the backup which will be the starting point for point-in-time recovery. This option must be specified if the target is one or more backups away from the current moment. You can look through the available backups with the pgBackRest info command to find out the proper backup ID.

    pgBackRest backup ID example

    After obtaining the Pod name with kubectl get pods command, you can run pgbackrest --stanza=db info command on the appropriate Pod as follows:

    $ kubectl -n postgres-operator exec -it cluster1-instance1-hcgr-0 -c database -- pgbackrest --stanza=db info

    Then find ID of the needed backup in the output:

    stanza: db
        status: ok
        cipher: none
        db (prior)
            wal archive min/max (16): 0000000F000000000000001C/0000002000000036000000C5
            full backup: 20240401-173403F
                timestamp start/stop: 2024-04-01 17:34:03+00 / 2024-04-01 17:36:57+00
                wal start/stop: 000000120000000000000022 / 000000120000000000000024
                database size: 31MB, database backup size: 31MB
                repo1: backup set size: 4.1MB, backup size: 4.1MB
            incr backup: 20240401-173403F_20240415-201250I
                timestamp start/stop: 2024-04-15 20:12:50+00 / 2024-04-15 20:14:19+00
                wal start/stop: 00000019000000000000005C / 00000019000000000000005D
                database size: 46.0MB, database backup size: 25.7MB
                repo1: backup set size: 6.1MB, backup size: 3.8MB
                backup reference list: 20240401-173403F
            incr backup: 20240401-173403F_20240415-201430I

    Now you can put this backup ID to the backup restore configuration file as follows:

    kind: PerconaPGRestore
      name: restore1
      pgCluster: cluster1
      repoName: repo1
      - --set="20240401-173403F"

The example may look as follows:

kind: PerconaPGRestore
  name: restore1
  pgCluster: cluster1
  repoName: repo1
  - --type=time
  - --target="2022-11-30 15:12:11+03"


Latest succeeded backup available with the kubectl get pg-backup command has a “Latest restorable time” information field handy when selecting a backup to restore. Tracking latest restorable time is turned on by default, and you can easily query the backup for this information as follows:

$ kubectl get pg-backup <backup_name> -n postgres-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.latestRestorableTime}'

After setting these options in the backup restore configuration file, start the restoration process:

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/restore.yaml -n postgres-operator


Make sure you have a backup that is older than your desired point in time. You obviously can’t restore from a time where you do not have a backup. All relevant write-ahead log files must be successfully pushed before you make the restore.

Fix the cluster if the restore fails

The restore process changes database files, and therefore restoring wrong information or causing restore fail by misconfiguring can put the database cluster in non-operational state.

For example, adding wrong pgBackRest arguments to PerconaGPRestore custom resource breaks existing database installation while the restore hangs.

In this case it’s possible to remove the restore annotation from the Custom Resource correspondent to your cluster. Supposing that your cluster cluster1 was deployed in postgres-operator namespace, you can do it with the following command:

$ kubectl annotate -n postgres-operator pg cluster1

Alternatively, you can temporarily delete the database cluster by removing the Custom Resource (check the finalizer is not turned on, otherwise you will not retain your data!), and recreate the cluster back by running kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml -n postgres-operator command you have used to deploy the it previously.

One more reason of failed restore to consider is the possibility of a corrupted backup repository or missing files. In this case, you may need to delete the database cluster by removing the Custom Resource, find the startup PVC to delete it and recreate again.

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Last update: 2025-02-28