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Initial troubleshooting

Percona Operator for PostgreSQL uses Custom Resources to manage options for the various components of the cluster.

  • PerconaPGCluster Custom Resource with Percona PostgreSQL Cluster options (it has handy pg shortname also),

  • PerconaPGBackup and PerconaPGRestore Custom Resources contain options for pgBackRest used to backup PostgreSQL Cluster and to restore it from backups (pg-backup and pg-restore shortnames are available for them).

The first thing you can check for the Custom Resource is to query it with kubectl get command:

$ kubectl get pg
Expected output
NAME       ENDPOINT                         STATUS   POSTGRES   PGBOUNCER   AGE
cluster1   cluster1-pgbouncer.default.svc   ready    3          3           30m

The Custom Resource should have Ready status.


You can check which Percona’s Custom Resources are present and get some information about them as follows:

$ kubectl api-resources | grep -i percona
Expected output
perconapgbackups          pg-backup            true         PerconaPGBackup
perconapgclusters         pg             true         PerconaPGCluster
perconapgrestores         pg-restore            true         PerconaPGRestore

Check the Pods

If Custom Resource is not getting Ready status, it makes sense to check individual Pods. You can do it as follows:

$ kubectl get pods
Expected output
NAME                                           READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
cluster1-backup-4vwt-p5d9j                     0/1     Completed   0          97m
cluster1-instance1-b5mr-0                      4/4     Running     0          99m
cluster1-instance1-b8p7-0                      4/4     Running     0          99m
cluster1-instance1-w7q2-0                      4/4     Running     0          99m
cluster1-pgbouncer-79bbf55c45-62xlk            2/2     Running     0          99m
cluster1-pgbouncer-79bbf55c45-9g4cb            2/2     Running     0          99m
cluster1-pgbouncer-79bbf55c45-9nrmd            2/2     Running     0          99m
cluster1-repo-host-0                           2/2     Running     0          99m
percona-postgresql-operator-79cd8586f5-2qzcs   1/1     Running     0          120m

The above command provides the following insights:

  • READY indicates how many containers in the Pod are ready to serve the traffic. In the above example, cluster1-repo-host-0 container has all two containers ready (2/2). For an application to work properly, all containers of the Pod should be ready.
  • STATUS indicates the current status of the Pod. The Pod should be in a Running state to confirm that the application is working as expected. You can find out other possible states in the official Kubernetes documentation .
  • RESTARTS indicates how many times containers of Pod were restarted. This is impacted by the Container Restart Policy . In an ideal world, the restart count would be zero, meaning no issues from the beginning. If the restart count exceeds zero, it may be reasonable to check why it happens.
  • AGE: Indicates how long the Pod is running. Any abnormality in this value needs to be checked.

You can find more details about a specific Pod using the kubectl describe pods <pod-name> command.

$ $ kubectl describe pods cluster1-instance1-b5mr-0
Expected output
Name:         cluster1-instance1-b5mr-0
Namespace:    default
Controlled By:  StatefulSet/cluster1-instance1-b5mr
Init Containers:
   Restart Count:  0
   Liveness:   http-get https://:8008/liveness delay=3s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
   Readiness:  http-get https://:8008/readiness delay=3s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3

This gives a lot of information about containers, resources, container status and also events. So, describe output should be checked to see any abnormalities.

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Last update: 2025-02-28