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Upgrade using data volumes


The following conditions should be met for the Volumes-based migration:

  • You have a version 1.x cluster with spec.keepData: true in the Custom Resource
  • You have both Operators deployed and allow them to control resources in the same namespace
  • Old and new clusters must be of the same PostgreSQL major version

This migration method has two limitations. First of all, this migration method introduces a downtime. Also, you can only reverse such migration by restoring the old cluster from the backup. See other migration methods if you need lower downtime and a roll back plan.

Prepare version 1.x cluster for the migration

  1. Remove all Replicas from the cluster, keeping only primary running. It is required to assure that Volume of the primary PVC does not change. The deploy/cr.yaml configuration file should have it as follows:

          size: 0
  2. Apply the Custom Resource in a usual way:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml
  3. When all Replicas are gone, proceed with removing the cluster. Double check that spec.keepData is in place, otherwise the Operator will delete the volumes!

    $ kubectl delete perconapgcluster cluster1
  4. Find PVC for the Primary and pgBackRest:

    $ kubectl get pvc --selector=pg-cluster=cluster1 -n pgo
    Expected output
    NAME                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    cluster1             Bound    pvc-940cdc23-cd4c-4f62-ac3a-dc69850042b0   1Gi        RWO            standard-rwo   57m
    cluster1-pgbr-repo   Bound    pvc-afb00490-5a45-45cb-a1cb-10af8e48bb13   1Gi        RWO            standard-rwo   57m

    A third PVC used to store write-ahead logs (WAL) may also be present if external WAL volumes were enabled for the cluster.

  5. Permissions for pgBackRest repo folders are managed differently in version 1 and version 2. We need to change the ownership of the backrest folder on the Persistent Volume to avoid errors during migration. Running a chown command within a container fixes this problem. You can use the following manifest to execute it:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: chown-pod
        - name: backrestrepo
            claimName: cluster1-pgbr-repo
        - name: task-pv-container
          image: ubuntu
          - chown
          - -R
          - 26:26
          - /backrestrepo/cluster1-backrest-shared-repo
            - mountPath: "/backrestrepo"
              name: backrestrepo

    Apply it as follows:

    $ kubectl apply -f chown-pod.yaml -n pgo

Execute the migration to version 2.x

The old cluster is shut down, and Volumes are ready to be used to provision the new cluster managed by the Operator version 2.x.

  1. Install the Operator version 2 (if not done yet). Pick your favorite method from our documentaion.

  2. Run the following command to show the names of PVC belonging to the old cluster:

    $ kubectl get pvc --selector=pg-cluster=cluster1 -n pgo
    Expected output
    NAME                 STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    cluster1             Bound    pvc-db9bf618-04d5-4807-948d-e32e81098575   1Gi        RWO            standard-rwo   87m
    cluster1-pgbr-repo   Bound    pvc-37d93aa9-bf02-4295-bbbc-c1f834ed6045   1Gi        RWO            standard-rwo   87m
  3. Now edit the Custom Resource manifest (deploy/cr.yaml configuration file) of the version 2.x cluster: add fields to the dataSource.volumes subsection, pointing to the PVCs of the version 1.x cluster:

            pvcName: cluster1
            directory: cluster1
            pvcName: cluster1-pgbr-repo
            directory: cluster1-backrest-shared-repo
  4. Do not forget to set the proper PostgreSQL major version. It must be the same version that was used in version 1 cluster. You can set the version in the corresponding image sections and postgresVersion. The following example sets version 14:

      image: percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.6.0-ppg14-postgres
      postgresVersion: 14
          image: percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.6.0-ppg14-pgbouncer
          image: percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.6.0-ppg14-pgbackrest

  5. Apply the manifest:

    $ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml

The new cluster will be provisioned shortly using the volume of the version 1.x cluster. You should remove the spec.datasource.volumes section from your manifest.

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Last update: 2025-02-28